Dr Rath Health Foundation - June 5th, 2020

A new study suggests that prior use of chemotherapy is associated with an increased risk of death among coronavirus patients with lung and other thoracic cancers.
Chemotherapy treatment is highly toxic. Killing cancer cells and billions of healthy cells alike, it indiscriminately intoxicates the entire body. To make things worse, chemotherapy particularly affects healthy cells in the body that multiply rapidly, such as the white blood cells of the immune system. As such, at the very time the body of a cancer patient has the greatest need for an effective defense against toxins, its immune cells are being systematically destroyed.
Seen in this light it is hardly surprising that prior use of chemotherapy is linked to a higher risk of death among coronavirus patients with some cancers. As the virus can weaken the lungs and cause complications such as pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome and sepsis, patients who have had chemotherapy treatment for lung cancer will obviously be particularly at risk.
To learn the facts about chemotherapy, visit the ‘Chemo Facts’ section of our website.
To learn about natural health approaches to cancer that can block all key mechanisms that make it a deadly disease, read the book ‘Victory Over Cancer’ by Dr. Rath and Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki.