Dr. Rath Health Institute - Mar 20, 2020 - Topic: CORVID-19 Treatment (A MUST READ!..CCFSH)
To the people and governments of the world - An Open Letter by Dr. Matthias Rath (Extensive)

III. Clear answers: What you should do now
There is reason to be concerned about the current pandemic, in order to take responsible actions to contain it. But there is no reason for hysteria or to succumb to a global psychological paralysis that primarily serves the corporate interests propelling it.
There is reason to follow the safety advice of the authorities, but there is no reason to give up our fundamental human rights. To the contrary, now is the moment to defend them.
This Open Letter offers effective, safe and affordable advice to strengthen the immune resistance of everyone. But this advice goes far beyond the current pandemic. Vitamins and other essential micronutrients are effective in helping to prevent other diseases as well, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. Thus, for the people and governments of the world, the current crisis offers a unique opportunity to familiarize themselves with the rapid progress made in this field of medical science and to take a giant leap forward towards a global system of health care that focuses on the prevention and eradication of diseases.
I am hereby calling upon:
1. The people of the world
Follow the instructions of the authorities. The following recommendations are additional recommendations:
Short term:
- Make – ideally fresh – fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins and essential amino acids, your main nutrition throughout the day. If you can, start an organic garden at home.
- Fight isolation, fear and paralysis by carefully reading this letter and studying the links it contains.
- Familiarize yourself with current knowledge about the benefits of micronutrients from the world’s largest online library, Pubmed.gov. If you search for the following key words you will be surprised about the knowledge that is available today:
- Vitamin and infection 7,700 scientific publications
- Vitamin and cardiovascular 26,000 scientific publications
- Vitamin and cancer 55,000 scientific publications
- Polyphenols and infection 14,000 scientific publications
- Polyphenols and cardiovascular 18,000 scientific publications
- Polyphenols and cancer 30,000 scientific publications
- You may use online translation programs to translate the available summaries (abstracts) of these studies into your own language. Even if the texts are scientific, you will be surprised how much you can understand.
- After browsing through this wealth of natural health information, I encourage you to switch on the TV and watch the news or read a newspaper. You will hardly hear anything about the thousands of studies on the health benefits of vitamins. This way you can experience the media’s amazing natural health ‘wall of silence’ for yourself.
- Talk about the health benefits of vitamins in fighting infections and other diseases with everyone you know – in your family, community, church, and sports club etc.
- Email the facts you learned from this letter and forward them to everyone you know.
- Print out this letter out mail copies of it to people who, like you, may also be interested to learn about this important information.
- Hardly any political decision taker – from local to national level – has this information. So send it to your mayor and the political representatives of your local community as well. Then call them by telephone and make sure they have read it. You should also ask them to forward this information to the higher levels of government.
- Above all, help improve the immune system of yourself, your children and your loved ones by developing a ‘family health plan’ based on healthy nutrition. This way the current crisis turns into a life-changing positive experience.
Natural Health becomes a human right
Some of my readers may have followed the contents of this Open Letter with some disbelief. Can it really be that a powerful global industry has risen in the midst of our societies that is based on such unethical principles, and now – that the world community is turning their back on them – is trying to cement its grip on humanity through enabling laws and psychological warfare?
For all such readers, the following historical analogy may be helpful: In the 16th century, human progress had reached a point when mankind had advanced to usher in the Modern Times. The Medieval powers, however, insisted on maintaining their feudal privileges. In the ensuing ’30-Year War’ these Medieval powers of Europe dragged the entire continent with them into the abyss. To no avail – the advent of Modern Times could not be stopped. I already shared this historic analogy with the readers of the New York Times 17 years ago, on March 9, 2003.
Today, the merchandise of the global petrochemical as well as pharmaceutical investment business is – in the interests of the people of the world – being systematically replaced by superior and safer technologies. This pending demise of these multitrillion-dollar global investment businesses poses an existential threat to their stakeholders. In an attempt to postpone their own demise, they are apparently ready to drag all mankind with them into the abyss, ruin the existence of countless people and businesses, curtail human rights and abolish democracy.
The current pandemic is a decisive moment in human history. In the 16th century the people of Europe had no chance to avoid the destruction of their continent – because there was no precedent in history available for them to learn from. Today, the situation is different: With the events 400 years ago, we have such an historic parallel. We can act and prevent this!
With the help of information in this letter, the people and governments of the world have the opportunity – and responsibility – to protect democracy and turn this crisis into one of the greatest steps forward in human history: The starting point for a global movement with the goal to liberate human health from its century-long captivity by special interests – and deliver into the hands of the following generation a much more healthy world.
Natural health becomes a human right now!
Wishing you good health,
Dr. Matthias Rath
To the people and governments of the world - An Open Letter by Dr. Matthias Rath (Extensive)